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January 14, 2013 / Kelly

Teaching Methods: One is Silver and the Other’s Gold

I happened upon an article a couple of links past an article emailed from the Department Chair. It was about Think-Write-Pair-Share! Somehow, I’d totally forgotten about this instruction classic. In my defense, although I do have a Master’s Degree in Education, it’s been 10 years since I was an education student.

This isn’t to say that I’ve become one of those teachers who, over the years, forgo using the “multiple teaching methods” they learned in college in favor of just lecturing. Quite the opposite, actually! I am constantly researching and experimenting with new teaching methods, especially those that integrate technology. I’ve used clickers, guided notes, scavenger hunts. That’s good, right?

To an extent, yes. The more variety students have, the more interested they’ll be. Using technology is efficient, effective, and a “familiar face” for students.

BUT, the shiny and new should not replace the tried and true. Not in regard to material goods or people, and not in regard to instruction. Just as I recycle paper, plastic, and printer ink cartridges, I resolve to recycle successful lessons–teaching methods and activities.

So, I am going to use TWPS in class this week. And, I might even dust off the classic approach to grammar instruction: sentence-diagramming.                                                                                                                

IN A COMMENT, TELL US WHAT YOU THINK THIS SENTENCE IS!                                                                  


If you want to learn about TWPS, here’s the article that I read:


January 13, 2013 / Kelly

Find the Error–from today’s Columbus Dispatch

I have missed my calling as a copy editor, for errors in published materials jump out at me. (It’s like a regional track meet of jumping errors when I critique my students’ papers!)

Today’s error is brought to you by the Columbus Dispatch.

WHAT’S THE ERROR? Answer in a comment; don’t cheat and read others’ comments first!



easy reading is damn hard writing

Backstage Pass

My name is Matt Syverson, and I write rock-n-roll themed novels. I was in a grunge band in Seattle in the 90's. Now I live in Texas. Links to my books are at the bottom of the page. Thanks for visiting!

Sentence first

An Irishman's blog about the English language.


Because sometimes you need a push.


I am a college professor, so expect that much of the content will be related to higher education, teaching, and learning. But, not all; I'm going to post information, ideas, links that interest me. I hope that they interest you, whether you are also an educator and/or life-long learner, or not.

Greenpoint Dog Log Blog: One Woman's Crusade Against Dog Shit